Kickstart Survey Review

Can You Answer This Question About Your Business?

“What do your customers really want?”

Simple right?
And look, everyone and their dog knows surveys are the #1 solution to this problem…
But if you’ve ever tried surveying your target market to find out what they need, then you know…
If you’re not a global heavyweight like the Economist  or Oprah Winfrey…
Running surveys can quickly turn into a “fools errand”
First of all, you have to get enough traffic to them to make the data you get worthwhile… 

You might not believe it but…

Getting Traffic Is The Easy Part...

Next you have to convince people to complete your survey with answers that ain’t just:
“OMG this survey sucks”, “too many questions!” or just “fjeogrrjip!"
That’s a lot of wasted time, effort, and (if you’ve paid for your traffic) money – to harvest a tiny amount of market data… that’s basically useless.
